Who we are:

We are a small group of 4 high school students who live in Rockville Centre, Christian Hackett, Lachlan Stack, Declan O’Toole, and Luca Suarez, and have had the privilege of playing RVC Soccer with Coach Paul for the last couple years. Over these years, we have enriched our teamwork skills, along with communication, work ethic, and won a lot of games. Under his leadership, we won the Long Island Cup Championship and always found a way to prevail under tough circumstances. His impact on and off the field has had a lasting impression on all who have played with him, serving as a great influence and role model. The sideline chats we had with Coach Paul, especially one on one chats, were such a luxury and gave us a much greater insight on the game as whole and taught us how we could display our best selves on the spotlight. We will forever cherish the smiles and the laughs at practices, and will remember Coach Paul beyond the rest of our soccer careers. We have worked countless hours over the span of a few months to complete this entire foundation, which is all out of our gratefulness for Coach Paul. We constructed this foundation to honor Coach Paul and to raise awareness for the stroke epidemic in our country and worldwide. All of the proceeds we receive go straight to the American Stroke Association, a branch of the American Heart Association. They help people who have had strokes in their lives, and help to prevent them through research and symptom detection.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Ellis, Coach Paul's wife, for her generous support in helping us establish our nonprofit. Her encouragement and commitment have been significant to our success.

Learn more about us on our social media platforms

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